One high-quality book every month, from birth to age five, at no cost.

Books are a gift to the child.

Berkeley and Emeryville/ZIP code 94608 children can be enrolled online

The button below will take you to Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library website. Follow the steps on the ‘Check Availability’ page to enroll your child.

For residents of Richmond / San Pablo

Pick up a paper mail-in form from one of the locations below, or at one of our events.

Community Centers


Please Note: We are limiting the number of enrollment forms made availabe due to financial constraints. We are working to secure funding sufficient to allow us to open the Online Enrollment form for Richmond-San Pablo. (Please let us know if you have contacts or information on Foundations or Corporations that fund Early Childhood, Literacy, and/or Community Benefit Programs!) 

Other Places

Want to support online signups for Richmond & San Pablo children?

“It’s not complicated. Simply talk and babble with your baby as you look at pages in a book, name the colors, shapes and things on the page. Simply spending time looking at the pictures, naming objects and colors on the pages, talking to and with your baby sparks powerful literacy-linked brain development in the earliest months.” 

“No es complicado. Simplemente hable y balbucee con su bebé mientras mira las páginas de un libro, nombre los colores, las formas y las cosas en la página. Simplemente pasar tiempo mirando las imágenes, nombrando objetos y colores en las páginas, hablando con su bebé genera un poderoso desarrollo cerebral relacionado con la alfabetización en los primeros meses”.

Parent Comments

from our annual surveys

“We have loved all the books, and as parents were particularly moved by The Rabbit Listened. I'm a better parent for having read it.”

“Nos encantaron todos los libros y, como padres, nos conmovió especialmente El Conejo Escuchó. Soy un mejor padre por haberlo leído.”

“Les agradezco que tengan este progeama que beneficia a la comunidad. En especual a lis niñis y a sus familias. Gracias infinitas!!!”

“Thank you for having this program that benefits the community. Especially to the children and their families. Infinite thanks!!!”

“Some of their absolute favorite books have come from Imagination Library. Dolly’s I Am A Rainbow has been a longtime standout favorite.”

“Algunos de sus libros favoritos absolutos provienen de Imagination Library. El libro de Dolly Soy Un Arcoiris ha sido un favorito destacado durante mucho tiempo.”


  • Any child under age five who lives in our service region. Children can be enrolled at any time beginning at birth up until three months prior to their fifth birthday.

  • You might still able to enroll through another Imagination Library partner. Go to Imagination Library’s ‘Check Availability’ page and input your information to find out if Imagination Library is available through another Imagination Library partner in your community.

  • First books arrive 6–10 weeks after successful registration. The first book is the same for all children: The Little Engine That Could. Following that, books are age-appropriate based on their birthdate.

  • Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library hand-picks high-quality, age-appropriate literature and updates its list annually. Selections are guided by developmental themes and concepts. You can view the current book list here.

  • Book selections are based on year of birth, so your two little ones will get the same books. We still recommend registering both children. Infants may not notice or care, but toddlers will be delighted to see their name printed on the package each month, and allowing each child to build a personal library will help them establish a sense of ownership of their books. It will also save you from many arguments!

  • Imagination Library books are a gift to the child. While The BBBP and Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library have operating costs, there is no cost to you.

  • The BBBP pays Imagination Library for books mailed to children we enroll. an all normal overhead costs of running a nonprofit: Rent, insurance, printing, outreach events, staff, etc. Starting in 2023 the State of California began paying part of our IL Book costs. All our funding comes from local donors: Individuals, grant makers, civic groups and businesses.

  • We’re funded by a combination of individual donors who donate once, monthly or annually. We also receive grants from local organizations whose values are aligned with ours. Organizations like ours are truly a public good and require the support of the community to continue.